Sydney Masonic Centre, Castlereagh St

What WHAT. Is that some intense, Brutalist architecture in the Sydney CBD, or a whacked-out Scientologist's spaceship cast in concrete and turned on its side?

Whatever it is, it is super.

I was so excited about the Masonic Centre when I happened upon it on Saturday night that I risked my life standing in the middle of this busy street taking really bad iPhone photos of it. I hope you appreciate them. There are better ones at this beautfully geeked out page here.

The building is Joseland Gilling, 1974.

What is so striking when you see this is how big and heavy the tower is, but then it dramatically tapers to a narrow point at the base; it is like balancing an elephant on a match head. Visually this trick really takes your breath away. And they haven't shyed away from continuing the statement in the base of the building either.There is no hesitation in this design; it's so bold it is shocking.

Look at the underside of this thing. And it used to be even cooler before they encased the base in glass. The glass takes away from the drama of the in-out-in-out. When you get up close to this you can see that this in insitu concrete work, too. Love it.


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Anna Metcalfe is a content maker, word writer and editor of things.